Off the top of my head, these are the canons I recall being covered. Even so, I'm sure that I'm missing some in this list.

Filmation He-Man and She-Ra cartoons
DC Comics (1982)
Marvel Star Comics
MOTU minicomics (Glut/Alcala) 1982
MOTU DC minicomics (Cohn/Texeira) 1982
MOTU Minicomics 1983-1987
POP Minicomics
He-Man (NA) Minicomics
US MOTU and POP Magazines
Golden Books - MOTU and POP
Newspaper Comic Strips
'87 MOTU Film
Power Tour
Kids Stuff Books & Records
Mattel Book and Record/Tapes
Vintage Toy packaging - (stuff like the giants where some story info was given)
MYP MOTU Cartoon
MVCreations Comics
Jetlag New Adventures of He-Man cartoons
MOTU Classics Bios and Minicomics
Super 7 Curse of the Three Terrors cartoon
DC MOTU Comics 2012-2016

UK Comic Magazines - MOTU, POP, "New Adventures"
Twins of Power Magazines
World Annuals - MOTU & POP
Ladybird Books - MOTU & POP

Interpart-Condor Comics
Ehapa Comics
MOTU Audio Plays
POP Audio Plays

Editora Abril MOTU & POP Comics
Estrela MOTU & POP Minicomics

MOTU Più Comic Magazines
MOTU & "New Adventures" Magic Boy Magazine Comics

It took a massive amount of teamwork to pull this off, with Val organizing and leading the way and many people writing, researching, finding images, cleaning up images, proofing, layout, design, etc. I think we might all be slightly mad for even attempting to take on this this gargantuan project, but the end result is going to be pretty darn epic, imo.
Termin ist der 23 Mai 2017