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We're sure that you'll like CRUX #22 (the KEY ISSUE). How sure? We're willing to back it up with a MONEY BACK GUARANTEE. If CRUX #22 gives you less than total reading pleasure, you can just mail it back to us for a full refund. Simple as that.

If you're already a fan of CRUX, then we suggest you BUY ONE FOR A FRIEND. Let your friends know how good CRUX is. And CRUX #22 is the perfect jumping-on point! In CRUX #22 our cast of heroes

return to their home in Atlantis and are hunted down by Aristophanes and a group of not-so-nice Atlanteans he's awakened. The end of the story introduces a new crew of super bad guys and this

begins a big new storyline and a change in direction for the book. This is the CRUX KEY ISSUE, and the perfect issue to introduce the series to a friend who hasn't tried it out. And again, there's no risk because of our MONEY BACK GUARANTEE!

CRUX is the best book you're not reading. That incredible comics talent Steve Epting brings a lush, illustrative looks to the world of a barren Earth and timelost Atlanteans every month and you've been missing it. The book's pace has picked up to lightning speed with Chuck Dixon coming on the title and now this hyper-talented team begins a big, grand, epic new storyline with issue #22. Aliens warfare, prehistoric secrets and buckets of sci-fi action lie ahead and you don't want to miss out! Order CRUX #22 now and BUY ONE FOR A FRIEND!

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